Only for Developers!This app will display audio status on top of other apps. It is useful for:1. Developing audio applications, especially when using Bluetooth. I use this app extensively to help debug when creating the Voiceping application. By knowing the SCO state, audio mode, and so on, I am able to achieve a reliable PTT app.2. A small number of apps might play something in the background, and you might not be aware of it. This app will show isMusicActive: true / false, allowing you to identify which app might be doing that.Provided information:1. SpeakerOn: When set to true, Android guarantees that the voice will come from the loudspeaker. However, when set to false, the sound can come from either the ear speaker or the loudspeaker.2. MusicActive: When set to true, it indicates that audio is currently being played.3. Vol(normal): This represents the volume level for the stream type "music" (STREAM_MUSIC).4. Vol(Voice): This represents the volume level for the stream type "voice call" (STREAM_VOICE_CALL).5. Vol(Notif): This represents the volume level for the stream type "notification" (STREAM_NOTIFICATION).6. Mic: If set to "OK," it means the microphone is in normal mode and not muted.7. SCO: Check whether SCO (Bluetooth audio) is enabled.8. SCO: Connected / Disconnected. Generally, when SCO is "ON" and "Connected," the microphone is used from your Bluetooth headset instead of the phones built-in microphone.9. MIC: This indicates the hardware brand used when your phone is recording something.10. Source: VOICE_RECOGNITION / VOICE_COMMUNICATION / MIC / VOICE_CALL11. Type: This represents the device type identifier of the audio device (e.g., TYPE_BUILTIN_SPEAKER).